Why Would They Call it That?
So, this week has been fairly quiet. I've been able to stay with my mom and travel throughout the area - it was neat to go back to my own high school. I also had the pleasure of having breakfast with a couple of friends from high school. We would sometimes pull pranks together - shocking I'm sure. One nearly fell down a 25 foot ladder while hunting with his girlfriends dad. He caught himself at the last minute. I asked if his girlfriends dad was around in case he had fallen...his reply was "He was close enough that he would have heard me hit the ground." Funny guy. My other friend is working on his masters. He created a machine that can give a quantitative answer for whether someone has an ear infection or not - why is this important?...Mis-diagnosed ear infections are the number one reason that antibiotics are wrongly prescribed...that leads into immunity to certain antibiotics...yada yada yada. So I think his project is cool. He's also going to ultimate frisby world championships. It was great to see both of them.
Beyond that I've just been going to schools - doing the presentation. I had a fantastic group today. They laughed so hard at my jokes and were really focused on their choices...good for them.
For today's fun I will let you know about some of the funny signs my colleagues and I have seen while on the road...this is just the beginning.
Beer Road ... the next day I saw Barr Road ... coincidence? I think not.
Go Home Road
Hore Sale ... It was one of those boards that have removable letters ... some had falled off ... he he.
Balls Falls Conservation Area
Ralphs Slaughter House "Custom Killing Available"
Good Laugh
Beyond that I've just been going to schools - doing the presentation. I had a fantastic group today. They laughed so hard at my jokes and were really focused on their choices...good for them.
For today's fun I will let you know about some of the funny signs my colleagues and I have seen while on the road...this is just the beginning.
Beer Road ... the next day I saw Barr Road ... coincidence? I think not.
Go Home Road
Hore Sale ... It was one of those boards that have removable letters ... some had falled off ... he he.
Balls Falls Conservation Area
Ralphs Slaughter House "Custom Killing Available"
Good Laugh
Congratulations! You should feel honoured that yours is the only blog I've ever read! I can't wait to see you on Friday!
Nicely done...
I hope you keep up the detail remembering. This would make a hilarious zine when all is said and done (kind of like that octozine...speaking of which "Did you keep my copy of it?")
You have the unique gift of finding yourself involved in funny situations, and having the right perspective on them.
PS. You and I have to have a Craig Cardiff chat!
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